PS3 Wallpaper - 3D Artwork by Lemniscate
Army of Two High Definition (1080p) Playstation 3 Game Wallpaper.
It's demensions are for a 1080p image or a 1920 x 1080 pixel image.
Winter by Space, High Resolution PS3 Wallpaper.
Here are some 1080p wallpapers (anime style) hope everyone enjoys :)
ImageShack, share photos of ps3 wallpapers 1080p, gta 4 pc 1080p,
PS3 wallpaper 1080p by ~OrokaSempai on deviantART
Could anyone possibly make the santa kitty 1080p so it fits my hd tv
Custom made 1080p ps3 wallpaper - The Ninja Theory Forums
PS3 wallpaper 1080p 2 by ~OrokaSempai on deviantART
Re: PS3 Wallpapers! [Post pics]. Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:02 am
This weekend, we're focusing on Sony's upcoming PS3 title Gran Turismo 5
Re: Ps3 wallpapers Thread V.2 (UPDATED with 720 Wallpapers) or
PS3 Wallpapers! [Post pics] | Video Game Online Forums & Community | Game
Video Game Wallpapers Wallpaper Turok Evolution Ps3
3d Rendered Wallpapers Ps3 Chrome Theme
HD Vector Tree Wallpaper 1080p by ~FreedDeamon on deviantART